Investment Grade Audits For Energy Conservation Measures Philadelphia International Airport
Date: 2012
Cost: $155,000
Philadelphia International Airport: This 1,000,000 SF facility comprised of approximately 400 air handling units, two central utility plants with boilers, chillers and pumps, as sub-consultants to the NORESCO Corporation, MUEI was responsible for energy grade audits that included the following:
1. Chiller Plant Optimization: Surveyed the existing chilled water and condenser water system layout against existing drawings. Documented all associated equipment nameplate data and pipe sizes. Provided electrical measurements, temperatures, pressures and flows of existing chilled water system components; condenser pumps, chilled water pumps, chillers, boilers, etc.
2.Energy Management System (EMS) Upgrades:
a.Took pictures of AHU Direct Digital Controls (DDC) graphics.
b.Recorded the data from graphics.
c.Used thermometers to take temperature readings at RTUs and AHUs.
d.Measured as directed mixed air, return air, and discharge air temperatures.
e.Placed data loggers in AHUs.
f.Performed functional performance testing on AHUs.